View Profile fireexit
msn vvfireexitvv@hotmail .com

lewis @fireexit

Age 28, Male

Joined on 6/21/09

Exp Points:
1,580 / 1,600
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5.46 votes
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Well, youv'e certainly improved. The CODMW2 preview looks good, but he moonwalks near the jump. I hope your parts are great!

thanks , his moon walk wont be in it on the final copy :D

Are you in ttaisawesomes collab?


Can be in madness diverse thingy? :)

if you are any good at madness animation make a test part put it on the newgrounds dumpyard or spamtheweb.com and send the link to XXblinx ( he is a comment up )

you better hurry theres not much spaces left !

You are using Tween?

for some of them yes but i can just put tween into frames by pressing F6

How did you get rejected from TTA's collab!!
You part was made by tweens (not good) if you make this cod6 madness it won't get a good score

i didnt get rejected.

and whats wrong with tweens , it saves time and you cant really annimate feet withought them.

fireexit is in ttaisawesomes collab! Go check ttaisawesome newpost

yeh !!!!

Your part for my collab isn't call of duty type? The part has nothing to do with call of duty

it has guns and stuth ??

ill change it

the CoD thing was good, but the feet were tweened, so stop them, and when you shot a guy in the head when there wearing a helmet, it takes about 4 shots to.

good point ill ceep that in mind for further flash animations

tweening the feet is okay BUT NOT THE BODY AND HEAD! If you ever want to get a good solo submission you don't tween anything except from the feet

ok .:)

lolk.... and you showed the part for the collab to us? now we wont be surprised when we watch... and for the preview, when the guy stands still, he's feets are still walking and how can he shoot through the helms? i thought helms was for protection, and in the beginning i can see some guns. and why wont you make like 5? it just takes like a week or so to get finished with one... also, the ''bad guys'' in your collab part has no feets... do you even think when you animate?

why dont you stop complaining. none of these are my real parts .......... retard

I am going to take your place in ttaisawesome collab because you r a n00b

no ur not

TTAisawesome said u r a n00b and I'm taking your place in his collab. I suggest you join GabrielBarschs collab!

sure he did, im finished my part for his collab any way so he cant kick me :(

need parts.

TTAisawesome said u r a n00b and I'm taking your place in his collab. I suggest you join GabrielBarschs collab!

your not getting in my collab, peroid.


Why don't you join a good madness collab hosted by a good animator like 1337-Dawg. TTAisawesome is crap at animating and hasn't got any flash. How can you expect his collab to do good.

i dont mind how it does, and ttaisawesome doesent suck because he orgonised a hloe collab himself.

CSSraptor, STFU. I haven't seen you posting nay of your test know have I? and if I don't have flash then explain my flash screenshot on my collab part.
I don't fucking care if you think I suck, cause I know I do. I don't wxpect the collab to be good looking , cuase it's underground one. your probably just fucking pissed or some shit becuase fireexit is in the collab and you arent. Well fuck you. becuase this will be the only collab I will ever make, so you won't be in the next one, becuase there won't be one.

Also, Fireexit, I need parts by end of week

easy ill have it done by saterday

@Crap madness animator TTAisawesome
You haven't submitted any flash submissions yet. You shouldn't have your very first project as a collab because you might let down the other animators. You should of done a few solo projects so people know you can code buttons and make a good menu. Also your crap at animating and have been rejected from every collab you wanted to join. Also your collab has been going on for 7 months because good animators like djjaner, xxblinx and roadkill have left.

HERE IS THE BEST PART: You asked Clatform (an amazing madness animator who was in desintergration 2) to join your collab!! WTF were you thinking he is 100 times better than you.

please leave him alone because he 100 times better than you.

r u wanting the cigarette in the guys mouth when he kills everyone in your part


don't stick up for ttaisgay. He has no tests on his page and i am a better than DIMB at madness. Also fireexit is a n00b.
ttaisgay's collab will probably get blammed

Blocked :)